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SMSF Loan Experts

SMSF is a great vehicle to buy a property.

SMSF Loans

Self-managed super fund (SMSF) loans are typically for Australians who want to use their superannuation fund to buy a property. Put your super to work for you, well before retirement.

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Rules & Regulations

The rules and regulations in borrowing using your SMSF are quite complex, so it is strongly suggested that you seek expert financial advice before making any move. An SMSF loan is a good option for those who have an SMSF already set up or planning to establish one and want to buy a property.

How does it work?

The first step should be the confirmation of your SMSF’s trustee that buying a property is consistent with the SMSF’s investment strategies. You also have to verify that the SMSF Trust Deed allows borrowing, after which you can get a pre-approval to buy. Next will be the selection of the property that you would like to purchase and then the formal application for an SMSF home loan.

Some Advantages of taking a loan within a SMSF:

  • The Loans are limited recourse facilities which means your other super assets aren’t at risk.
  • You could potentially pay off and service your loan using pre-tax rather than post-tax dollars.
  • The ability to pool your fund with up to 3 others to fast track your super fund wealth creation.
  • As of today, the SMSF rules are that property sold after the age of 67 in an SMSF, the gains are tax-free
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